Mining and Industrial

V3 Consulting Engineers Mining and Industrial mining and industrial Page


V3 Consulting Engineers Mining and Industrial mining and industrial Page


V3 Consulting Engineers Mining and Industrial mining and industrial Page

technical buildings



We provide the full spectrum of industrial infrastructure engineering services for the mining sector.

We specialise in undertaking technical investigations, analyses and planning of infrastructure services, detailed design and maintenance specifications. We offer services that include the design and construction of infrastructure water, stormwater, sewer, roads, bridges and buildings.

V3 Consulting Engineers Mining and Industrial mining and industrial Page
V3 Consulting Engineers Mining and Industrial mining and industrial Page

We can audit and 3D scan existing mine and shaft systems.

We can design a variety of products, such as shaft sinking systems and equipment, the design of permanent shaft systems from headgear to shaft bottom, as well as the design of mine surface and underground infrastructure. Our mine design includes “Surpac” modelling, EPM, PCM, owners, engineers and design vetting.